Author Archives: Jay Butchko

Scenarios To Avoid In Pennsylvania Divorces
Many divorces in Pennsylvania proceed relatively smoothly. This is especially true if both spouses can remain on amicable terms, and if there are no protracted legal disputes over issues like child custody or property division. It’s always in your best interest to work toward making sure your divorce is resolved quickly, efficiently, and in… Read More »

Does Child Support Include Medical Expenses In Pennsylvania?
In the current era, parents are probably more concerned about the health of their children than ever before. After a separation or divorce in Pennsylvania, you may be wondering how you’re going to pay for your children’s medical expenses. Perhaps your child has a medical condition that will require treatment for the foreseeable future…. Read More »

Some Tips For Handling Your Children During A Divorce
Divorces can have a tremendous impact on the children in the family. So how do you mitigate this impact? What can you say to your children when you’re trying to explain the divorce? What shouldn’t you say to them? These are all important questions, and they’re probably best answered by a legal professional. Team… Read More »

How Are Debts Distributed In A Pennsylvania Divorce?
Money-related issues often lead to divorce. Couples who find themselves dealing with financial pressures often find that they cannot work together effectively. Soon, they also come to the conclusion that the marriage needs to come to an end. Unfortunately, many of these spouses are dealing with debt at the time of their divorce. These… Read More »

Gifts And Divorce In Pennsylvania
Many spouses give and receive gifts during marriages. In some cases, gifts of tremendous value may be exchanged within the family. This is especially true in more affluent families with high net worth. But how are these gifts treated in a divorce? Is it possible for a spouse to use gifting in order to… Read More »

Moving On After A Divorce In Pennsylvania: Not Too Quickly
The vast majority of our clients want nothing more than to move on quickly after a divorce. Marriages may end, but there’s something refreshing about the idea of starting a brand new chapter and leaving all of those troubling memories behind. But one should exercise some patience before jumping into a new situation. For… Read More »

Can A Child Testify In A Pennsylvania Domestic Relations Trial?
A child may have very useful information that can impact a divorce, support or custody trial in Pennsylvania. But will that testimony have an impact? In some cases, minors have crucial information that can help clarify issues. If you believe that your child’s testimony can help you, you might be wondering whether or not… Read More »

What If Parents Don’t Agree On Whether Children Should Return To School During Covid?
Choices that affect a child’s education are some of the most important decisions that parents make. Before Covid-19, parents often argued over things like whether to send their children to private school, or whether a child should miss a month of school in order to attend a special baseball camp. In the era of… Read More »

How To Divide Personal Property In A Pennsylvania Divorce
While most spouses are focused on the big picture items like real estate, investments, business interests, cash assets and bank accounts during a divorce, the little things can generate a surprising amount of disputes. A legal battle over an antique vase might sound outlandish, but it happens more often than one would imagine. If… Read More »

Fleeing The Country During A Pending Divorce Case
Divorce cases can put some spouses under enormous pressure. For these individuals, the legal process becomes so distressing that they might rather leave everything behind and flee the country. These individuals may be faced with serious economic losses and other consequences. But how effective is it to flee the country while you’re in the… Read More »