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Pittsburgh Divorce Lawyer > Butler Enforcement Lawyer

Butler Enforcement Lawyer 

While a divorce or separation may have ended in a legally binding court order, that does not mean that all parties will hold up their end of the agreement. Alimony, spousal support, and child support orders commonly go unpaid by the spouse who is legally obligated to make these payments. In fact, only 43.5 percent—well under half—of custodial parents receive the full child support payments, according to CBS News; nationally, there are $10 billion in unpaid child support payments at this time. If you are struggling with a delinquent child support parent or another divorce decree that has gone unmet, such as division of assets, the Butler enforcement lawyers at Bunde & Roberts, P.C. can help you bring this matter to a successful resolution once and for all.

Enforcement of  Support, Alimony, and Child Custody

Under the Pennsylvania Divorce Code, agreements between spouses are enforceable by the court. By filing a petition, you can hold your former spouse responsible for unpaid child support and alimony. Enforcement of unpaid child support is handled by the ​Bureau of Child Support Enforcement, which may work in conjunction with the Federal Parent Locator Service if the parent has disappeared out of state. In another serious example, if the other parent has moved your child out of state without your permission, you have the ability to stop them. Enforcement, depending on what order is being violated by the other party, can be carried out in a number of ways, including the following:

  • Wage garnishment;
  • Up to six months in jail or probation;
  • Fines;
  • Liens against real property;
  • Held in contempt;
  • Seizure of rent and other profits from real estate;
  • Loss of child custody or visitation rights (for violating the parenting code);
  • Seizure of bank accounts;
  • Denial of passport;
  • Suspension of driver’s license or professional licenses;
  • Public humiliation via publishing the party’s name in the newspaper (as a delinquent child support payor);
  • Seizure of personal injury or workers’ compensation awards;
  • Compensation for legal fees and costs; and
  • More.

Defense Against Wrongful Enforcement Actions 

Individuals who have been wrongly accused of failing to pay alimony or child support, or who have been accused of violating a family court order in another way, also need legal representation. You need to be able to tell your side of the story, and present facts that support the truth. If your former spouse has filed a petition against you, an attorney can help protect your rights. On the other hand, if  you are unable to pay child support or alimony, you must reach out to an attorney before you simply stop paying, as the current order is still valid and must be adhered to. An attorney can help you alter the order, but you are obligated to pay child or spousal support until the order has been modified.

Our Butler Enforcement Lawyers Can Help

If you are struggling with an ex-spouse who has violated the terms of the divorce agreement, do not take matters into your own hands. Let an experienced Butler divorce enforcement attorney take the reigns. Call the experienced legal team at Bunde & Roberts, P.C. today at 412-391-4330 to schedule a consultation.

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