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Pittsburgh Divorce Lawyer > Butler Interstate & International Custody Issues Lawyer

Butler Interstate & International Custody Issues Lawyer

Custody disputes are often anxiety-driven nightmares. But when parents live in different states, or different countries, custody disputes become even more complicated. Different states and countries have different laws, and complex legal questions will arise about which court holds jurisdiction, which laws apply, and how those laws should be applied in your specific circumstance. Having an experienced Interstate & International Custody attorney on your side is crucial in reaching a successful resolution in your custody case. The Butler interstate & international custody issues lawyers at Bunde & Roberts, P.C. has handled complex custody matters at the state, federal, and international level, and will be with you for every step of the way during this trying time.

Pennsylvania Interstate Custody Disputes

When a custody dispute arises between parents living in different states, the first thing that must be done is determine which court has jurisdiction to hear the case. 49 states, including Pennsylvania, adheres to the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA)—a set of laws that directs how courts should handle interstate custody disputes and jurisdiction. Typically, under UCCJEA laws, the county in which the child has resided in the last six months is the county with jurisdiction, though that is not always the case, particularly if a custody order is already in place from a different county. If the latter is the case, that will likely be the county that has jurisdiction. In addition to laws set out under the UCCJEA, a court may also use other relevant factors to make a decision, such as whether a child has developed a relationship with one state or place more than the other, or if the court is concerned about the child’s safety and well being of sending a child back to the state in which the original custody order was created.

Handling International Child Custody Issues

International custody issues are usually even more complicated than interstate issues. As well as practical concerns, such as communicating across different time zones and the physical distance between the parties, there are international laws that must be considered. Depending on the nation in which the overseas parent or child is residing, a court may be beholden to the Hague Convention, which is an international agreement between over 60 countries regarding adoption, custody, and other child issues.

Child Relocation

Parents who wish to relocate to a different country with their child, or reunite with their child in a different country, face a number of complicated legal hurdles, which our attorneys can help you accomplish. On the other hand, if the other parent has taken your child to another country against your will, or simply vanished with your child, we can direct you toward help from federal kidnapping laws.

Call Our Butler Interstate & International Custody Issues Lawyers

No custody issue is easy. Interstate and international custody disputes are even more convoluted and complicated. For help resolving the matter in the best interests of your child and yourself, call the Butler interstate & international custody issues lawyers at Bunde & Roberts, P.C. today at 412-391-4330 to schedule a consultation.

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