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Pittsburgh Divorce Lawyer > Greensburg Domestic Violence Lawyer

Greensburg Domestic Violence Lawyer

Domestic violence is a serious problem not only in Pennsylvania, but all across the country. At Bunde & Roberts, P.C., our Greensburg domestic violence lawyers are committed to helping our clients escape dangerous domestic situations. We want to help you obtain all protections available to you under Pennsylvania law. Our office can also represent you if you had a protection order wrongfully filed against you.

Seeking Protection from Abuse Orders

Pennsylvania law allows you to file a protection from abuse order (PFA) with the court provided you have faced threatened or actual physical abuse from a spouse, family, household member, or a current or former sexual partner. Domestic abuse is defined under the Pennsylvania Protection from Abuse Act as committing any of the following actions:

  • False imprisonment;
  • Stalking;
  • Putting someone in fear of imminent harm; and
  • Physical or sexual abuse, which can cause you harm either recklessly or intentionally.

PFA proceedings are serious business and should not be taken lightly. There are potential criminal sanctions, and violating an order could lead to added incarceration. If you are the one accused or you’re being targeted in a Greensburg PFA action, you must act quickly to allow an attorney to help defend your rights.

Types of PFAs

There are several different types of PFAs that Pennsylvania law recognizes—emergency, temporary, and final PFA orders. Here’s a look at the differences between all three.

Emergency PFA

An emergency PFA order is granted when someone needs immediate protection, but the court is closed. This could be on a holiday, in the evenings, or during the weekend. Abuse victims can initiate an order through their local police department, who will reach out to an “on-call” judge.

If the judge feels an order is warranted, they will grant the victim an emergency PFA order that is temporary. It is designed to prevent the other party from physically approaching them or making contact with them. Emergency PFAs remain in effect until the next business day when the court has reopened, and the victim can apply for a temporary PFA order.

Temporary PFA

You can apply for a temporary PFA by going to the court and following the legal process of obtaining a temporary PFA. The court can enter a temporary PFA without testimony from the alleged abuser or other input.

If the court finds credible allegations of abuse, then they will issue the temporary PFA. This PFA will last until a final hearing. Temporary PFAs do more than keep the alleged abuser from contacting or approaching you. The accused may not even be aware the action was filed until they receive a copy of the emergency or temporary PFA.

Final PFAs

The court could grant a final PFA after a hearing where both sides present evidence and tell the court their version of the facts. If the court decides there was abuse, the final PFA could last as long as three years. If the court still believes there is a continued risk of harm or the alleged abuser violated it, they can extend the order.

Get Help from a Seasoned Greensburg Domestic Abuse Lawyer

If you are the victim of domestic violence, or you are being wrongfully accused and are the target of a wrongful protection of abuse, it’s time to contact our Greensburg family law attorneys. We understand what a trying time this is for you and your family. Contact Bunde & Roberts, P.C., today at 412-391-4339 to schedule a consultation.

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