How Substance Abuse May Impact A Divorce In Pennsylvania

Substance abuse may have an impact on a divorce in Pennsylvania. Indeed, it is often one of the very reasons why spouses get divorced in the first place. But after one spouse makes the decision to divorce their partner who is struggling with addiction, this subject may continue to play a role in many other aspects of the separation. From a purely emotional standpoint, substance abuse can be very difficult to deal with for both spouses.
If you’d like to handle this difficult situation in the most efficient way possible, it makes sense to enlist the help of a qualified, experienced divorce attorney in Pennsylvania as soon as possible. Perhaps you are divorcing a spouse with crippling alcoholism. Or perhaps you are the one who is trying to deal with your own substance abuse issues, and you’re concerned about how this might affect your divorce. Whatever the case may be, an experienced divorce attorney can guide you forward in a confident manner. With their help, you can deal with any issues that might arise due to this issue.
Substance Abuse Can Form the Basis for a Fault-Based Divorce
In Pennsylvania, spouses can seek divorce in several ways. One basis for divorce is a fault divorce based on marital misconduct. A spouse may argue that the substance abuse was the reason for the breakdown of the marriage and rose to the level of marital misconduct.. But why would a spouse want to do this? One of the benefits of pursuing a fault divorce is that it speeds up the divorce process. The other spouse’s misconduct may also impact decisions related to alimony.
Substance Abuse Can Affect Child Custody
Substance abuse can also affect child custody, as judges must consider the safety and welfare of the children. Because judges must decide what is in the children’s best interests, they are likely to consider the substance abuse as requiring a more restrictive custody schedule.
Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today
For help with the skilled Pittsburgh family lawyers, reach out to Bunde & Roberts, P.C. We know that all kinds of uncomfortable issues can arise during a divorce, including infidelity, substance abuse, and accusations of other marital misconduct. Understanding how these issues might affect your divorce is only the first step. In order to give yourself the best possible chance of a positive legal outcome, you need to tackle these issues in an effective, confident manner. Schedule your consultation today, and we can help you do just that.