How The Dependent Spouse Can Prepare For A Divorce
Sometimes in marriage, things simply do not work out between two people. Divorce is a difficult choice, but for some, it can may be the best option. A dependent spouse may find the prospect of divorce to be daunting. But fear and inaction may hinder you from finding happiness. Here are a few things the dependent spouse can do to prepare for divorce.
Emotional Preparation
Divorce can be an emotionally difficult process. It is normal to experience many emotions as you face changes in your life. Having an outlet, such as talking with a therapist, is essential to lessen the emotional impact of separation and divorce. Divorce may also be a stressful and confusing time for your children. Making sure that they, too, have an outlet such as a therapist will help lessen the negative impact of the process on them.
Begin to Understand Your Financial Situation
It is helpful to understand your financial situation before you meet with a lawyer. This includes understanding the cost of maintaining your household. It also includes having at least some knowledge of your household income and your assets and liabilities. A little bit of investigation will go a long way in getting your case off on the right track.
Begin Gathering Necessary Documents
You will want to gather certain documents to take with you to a meeting with your lawyer. This will include tax returns, bank and investment account statements, income information such as W-2’s, 1099’s, K-1’s and similar documents, life insurance information, real estate information, mortgage and credit card statements and similar documents. The more you can gather at the outset, the better your initial meeting will be with your lawyer.
Questions Regarding Divorce in Pennsylvania? Contact Our Office Today
Numerous emotional and financial issues arise during a divorce. At Bunde & Roberts, we want to help you through this stressful time. If you have any questions on the things you will need to prepare for a divorce, do not hesitate to contact our team of trusted Pittsburgh family attorneys today.