Involved in a Custody Dispute? Then Stay Away From Social Media

When you are involved in a custody action, one of the most often overlooked things that could affect the outcome is your social media activity. To play it safe, you should stay away from social media.
Why You Need to Stay Away From Social Media
Social media is a representation of your life, and the opposing party and his or her lawyer in your custody action may be interested in your posts. Opposing lawyers will not hesitate to use your posts against you to further the other parent’s case. Even if your profile is private or locked down, your posts are not entirely safe.
Social media posts often aren’t as private as you may believe. Friends can screenshot your posts. If you are venting about the other parent or making inappropriate comments, and if the other parent’s lawyer gets their hands on the posts, you might find them as exhibits in your custody case. We recommend staying away from social medial or, at the very least, avoid discussing custody or anything else that would put you in a bad light. When in doubt, don’t post. When you do post, always do so with the thought in mind of whether the post would reflect badly upon you if read in court.
Avoid posts that are triumphant or angry in nature. Don’t vent about the other parent. Don’t comment about your custody case. Don’t post about your drinking or other activities that could cast you in a bad light. The other parent’s lawyers will surely use these posts to engineer arguments against you.
Try to present a neutral image on your social media accounts.
Everything Can Be Evidence
What you post on social media, no matter how mundane it may seem to you, may be used in court as evidence against you. Even sarcastic and joking posts can be taken the wrong way. As a result, you should be careful what you post.
In short:
- Social media isn’t private
- Lawyers may try to use your posts against you
- It’s better to stay silent
- If you post, think first about whether it could be used against you
Are you Trying to Get Custody of Your Children?
If you have more questions about social media and custody, please contact our Pittsburgh family lawyers at Bunde & Roberts, P.C. We have experience in custody cases and can help fight for you to keep custody of your children. To learn more or to schedule a no-riskcase evaluation with our team of family law attorneys, please do not hesitate to contact us today.