Should You Change Your Name After a Pennsylvania Divorce?

For individuals going through a divorce, an important decision to make is whether or not to return to a prior name.
If you want to learn more about the law and the procedures surrounding post-divorce name changes, contact Bunde & Roberts, P.C. Our Pittsburgh name change lawyers can answer your questions and represent you during the process of changing a name in Pennsylvania.
Pennsylvania Law Regarding Name Changes After Divorce
In Pennsylvania, there is no automatic return to a prior name after getting divorced. But, you have the right to choose to do so.
In order to change your name after a divorce in Pennsylvania, there is a process which involves the filing of a pleading stating your wishes. There are certain requirements to make this process effective, and your divorce lawyer can help you with the process.
But Should You Change Your Married Name Back to Your Prior?
While returning to a prior name is an option that many people choose, it’s not required. In fact, some people opt to keep their married name. Some considerations when deciding what to do include whether there are any children involved (in which case keeping a consistent last name may be desirable), the existing name on your professional licenses (if applicable) and other documents requiring official changes.
Get Legal Counsel Today
If you have more questions about name changes after a divorce in Pennsylvania, contact our attorneys at Bunde & Roberts, P.C. Our name change lawyers can help you explain the legal requirements and procedures for changing your name after a divorce so you can make an informed decision about what’s best for you. Call 412-391-4330 for a case review.