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Social Media Do’s And Don’ts


Social media is an integral part of our lives these days. While the older generations may use social media occasionally, younger people are much more likely to have social media accounts that essentially echo every single aspect of their lives. How can social media impact divorce? This is a very important consideration for divorcing spouses in Pennsylvania. An inadequate understanding of the possible impact of social media could result in unintended consequences during your divorce.

If you’d like to learn more about how your social media activities might affect your divorce, be sure to reach out to a qualified, experienced divorce attorney in Pennsylvania. While internet research can provide you with a basic understanding of this topic, a legal professional can discuss matters in greater depth. More importantly, they can examine your unique situation and determine how your social media activities might affect your divorce. Your divorce attorney can help you address social media issues in a thoughtful manner.

Social Media Posts May Be Used as Evidence 

Be very careful of what you post on social media. Even if you delete a post, your spouse may still be able to recover them and use them as evidence during your divorce proceedings. Social media posts are never truly “deleted”, and they are not only saved in a database but also on the computers and phones of everyone who has read them. Your spouse’s attorney can request that Facebook, Instagram, or similar platforms make your deleted posts available.

You need to avoid arguing or casting insults at your spouse on social media. This will paint you in a bad light and you can be sure that such posts will be used by your spouse’s lawyer.

Social media posts can impact child custody disputes. When determining child custody, courts look to whether or not spouses can work together and cooperate as they raise their children. Insulting your spouse on social media may cause doubt as to whether you are able to cooperate with the other parent.

Here are some examples of things to avoid:

  • Pictures that show your excessive spending habits or reveal a lifestyle that you have downplayed
  • Pictures, posts, and messages that reveal your infidelity during the marriage
  • Content that supports accusations of bad parenting and bad parenting judgment

In fact, it may be best to limit your use of social media until your divorce is finalized. It’s all too easy to send a post late at night with damaging content.

Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today 

If you’d like to work with an experienced Pittsburgh divorce attorney who can help you address the factors that impact the success of your divorce, contact Bunde & Roberts, P.C. We’ll help you tackle every issue the modern world presents as you strive to handle your divorce in an efficient, confident manner.



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