Washington Grandparent Custody Rights Lawyer
When it comes to child custody issues, the rights of the parents and the child are typically the focus. In Washington, and throughout Pennsylvania, there are also legal venues available for grandparents in some cases. It is essential that grandparents understand the legal framework and requirements when exercising their rights to custody and navigating other family law issues in central Pennsylvania. Below, our Washington grandparent custody rights lawyer explains further.
Legal Grounds for Grandparents in Washington
The relationship between grandparents and their grandchildren is a very special one, and state law in Pennsylvania recognizes this. Under very specific circumstances, the family law courts in Washington will award grandparents legal and physical custody. These circumstances are as follows:
- Parental death: Filing for grandparent custody rights after a parent has passed away is more likely to be successful if both parents have passed away or when a surviving parent is no longer part of the child’s life.
- Parental divorce or legal separation: When a child’s parents get divorced or legally separated, or the parents have initiated a custody action, grandparents may file their own action. Typically, this requires the parents to disagree about the level of involvement the grandparent has in the grandchild’s life.
- Child residing with grandparents: If a child has lived with their grandparents for a minimum of 12 consecutive months, and the parents are unwilling or unable to express an intent to resume custody, it can provide grandparents with strong ground to seek custody.
The Best Interests of the Child
The main consideration for any court in a child custody case is the best interests of the child. This standard takes a number of different factors into consideration. When pursuing custody, grandparents must demonstrate how it will benefit the child. The different factors impacting the best interests of the child include:
- Physical and emotional well-being: The court will assess the ability of the grandparent to provide a supportive and stable environment for the child.
- Existing relationship: The nature and strength of the relationship between the child and the grandparents are of critical importance. The court will consider the level of emotional connection, involvement, and support provided by the grandparents.
- Parental fitness: The court will also consider whether there is any evidence of parental abuse, neglect, or substance abuse that would prevent them from providing the necessary care for their child.
- Preference of the child: If the child is of a certain age and maturity level, the court may also take the child’s preference into consideration.
In addition to the above, the family courts will also take other factors into consideration when determining what is in the best interests of the child.
Our Grandparent Custody Rights Lawyer in Washington Can Help
Navigating the complex issue of grandparent custody rights requires an in-depth understanding of the law. At Bunde & Roberts, P.C., our Washington grandparent custody rights lawyer can inform you of your rights, make sure they are always protected, and help you exercise them when necessary. Call us today at 412-391-4330 or chat with us online to schedule a consultation and to get the legal help you need.