What Happens If My Ex Refuses To Pay Child Support?

Child support can be an important source of income for parents and children. Many parents are more than willing to contribute financially to the support of their children after a separation, and child support is often not an issue. However, there are situations in Pennsylvania in which fathers or mothers refuse to pay child support.
If you find yourself in this situation, you need to get in touch with a qualified, experienced family law attorney as soon as possible. These legal professionals can help you address this situation in a number of different ways, and you can pursue your child support in the most efficient way possible. There are a number of potential outcomes in this scenario, and your attorney can help you move forward in the most efficient way possible.
What Happens First
If a parent fails to pay their child support, the courts can take a number of actions to ensure compliance. For starters, the court can garnish the delinquent parent’s income if that has not already happened. The support will be taken directly out of the parent’s paychecks each month. Other sources of money can also be garnished, including intercepting a delinquent spouse’s tax refund.
If Your Spouse Still Doesn’t Pay
After all of the above actions are taken, your spouse may still refuse to pay. In that case, the court may take additional actions to enforce the child support payments. For example, the court has the power to suspend the spouse’s driver’s license, professional license, passport, etc..
Final Steps
If all of the above steps fail, the delinquent parent may face jail time. Make no mistake, people can be arrested for not paying their child support in Pennsylvania. The delinquent parent may also face significant fines.
Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today
If you need help from a skilled Pittsburgh family lawyer, contact Bunde & Roberts, P.C. Every parent who has been awarded child support deserves to receive these payments in a timely, reliable manner. More accurately, the children depend on these payments to live a normal, comfortable life. If these payments have suddenly stopped without any explanation, you need to take legal action. Schedule your consultation today, and we can help you approach this situation in a confident, efficient manner.