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What If Parents Don’t Agree On Whether Children Should Return To School During Covid?


Choices that affect a child’s education are some of the most important decisions that parents make. Before Covid-19, parents often argued over things like whether to send their children to private school, or whether a child should miss a month of school in order to attend a special baseball camp. In the era of Covid-19, parents are much more likely to disagree on whether to send their children back to school in the first place. Some parents may be seriously concerned about their kids’ exposure to the virus, and they may want their young ones to study from home instead. Other parents may believe that the risks are relatively minor, and that their children should be getting the best possible education in an in-person setting.  This controversy is broadening further now that the CDC is weighing Covid vaccinations for school age children in a society which is already divided over Covid vaccinations in general.

If you are engaged in a dispute with the other parent over school attendance issues, you need to consult with a qualified, experienced custody attorney in Pennsylvania. The lawyer can help you resolve these disputes in an effective manner. Although you may ultimately need to go to court, it’s worth the effort over such important issues.

Establishing or Modifying a Child Custody Order 

The best way to resolve these disputes is to work out a reasonable agreement with the other parent. If you can do this successfully, you will not have to take formal legal action. But if neither parent is willing to compromise, you will need to start thinking about establishing or modifying a child custody order. If there is an existing order where both parents have legal custody, they both have a say in important decisions regarding medical matters and educational issues. However, one parent may successfully petition the court for a modification of such an order to allow one designated parent to make these types of issues. Under the right circumstances, a judge can give one parent sole legal custody so that they can alone would make major child raising decisions.

In the context of Covid-19, a judge might give one parent the right to make educational decisions.  A judge would have to be convinced that the parents cannot come to a joint decision, and that one of the parents is better equipped to make such decisions than the other parent.  While this is a tough burden to overcome, it is not impossible.  A qualified custody lawyer can assess the unique facts and circumstances of your situation, and offer the best advice as to what steps to follow.

The Number-One Thing You Need to Remember 

The most important thing to remember is that child custody decisions are based on the child’s best interests. When a judge considers your arguments, he or she will not consider your best interests. For example, you might not want your child to attend school in person because you’re worried the child might bring the virus home and infect you. However, this is a concern that affects you, and not your child. A good custody lawyer will help construct a position that is focused on the needs and best interests of your child.

Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today 

For help from a skilled Pittsburgh custody attorney, contact Bunde & Roberts, P.C. We have helped numerous parents in Pittsburgh handle disputes related to raising children in the midst of the pandemic. As a parent, you have the right to decide how your child is educated. With our help, you can effectively present your position to the family court. Book your consultation today.




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